Авксентьева О.А.
Avksentyeva Olha Oleksandrivna
Position: associate professor
Tel: +38 (057) 707 54 82
Education: M. Gorky Kharkov State University (1988)
Scientific degree: candidate of science (PhD in Biology) (2005)
Academic rank: associate professor (2008)
PhD dissertation: «Protein system role in adaptive reactions to drought at the early stages of ontogenesis of winter wheat»
Specialty: 03.00.12 – Plant Physiology
Scientific-teaching experience: since 1990
Scientific interests:
Study of physiological and biochemical aspects of the regulation of the rate of plants development in vivo and in vitro
Academic courses:
Educational Materials: 15
Plant Anatomy
1. Авксентьєва О.О., Юхно Ю.Ю. Фізіологія рослин: комплекс навчально-методичних матеріалів з курсу для студентів біол. о ф-ту. – Х.: ХНУ імені В.Н. Каразіна, 2009. – 56 с.
2. Програми нормативних і спеціальних курсів кафедри фізіології та біохімії рослин: метод. посібник /За заг. ред. Жмурка В.В. – Х.: ХНУ імені В.Н. Каразіна, 2010. – 160 с.
3. Авксентьева О.А., Жмурко В.В. Физиология цветения: учеб. пособ. / О.А. Авксентьева, В.В. Жмурко. –Х.: ХНУ имени В.Н. Каразина, 2011. – 130 с.
4. Авксентьева О.А., Петренко В.А. Биотехнология высших растений: культура in vitro: учебно-методическое пособие  / О.А. Авксентьева, В.А. Петренко. –Х.: ХНУ имени В.Н. Каразина, 2011. – 60 с.
Plant Physiology and Biochemistry
Plant Biochemistry
Biology Teaching methods in higher school
Methods of vascular plant culturing in vitro
Additional iformation:
Secretary of Kharkiv regional branch of the Ukrainian Society of Plant Physiologists
Member of the Federation of European Societies of Plant Biologists
Member of Ukrainian Вiochemical Society
Member of Ukrainian Botanical Society
Textbooks and teaching aids stamped by MES of Ukraine:
Member of the Ukrainian Society of Cell Biology and Biotechnology
Leader of the laboratory of physiology and biochemistry of plants "Morphogenesis of higher plants in vitro»
Mentor of  the scientific work of students, implementation of student and master's diploma. Student scientific work performed under the leadership were repeatedly awarded diplomas to the winners of the All-Ukrainian competition of student research papers in the field of "Biology".
Several puplications: